Friday, November 07, 2014

Fall Update 2014

Fall in the forest around Bistrita
I have to say that for me personally the fall is one of my favorite times of year. I love the changes, the warm afternoon, waking up to the cool crisp mornings. The forest turning yellow and gold signaling the coming winter. Waking up to the smell of wood smoke coming out of the neighbors chimneys. The sight of wood being piled, split, and then stacked in preparation for the coming winter months. Shorter days only to have the nights grow longer. All of these things remind me of the fall. Fall as with many of us is about preparation; canning, freezing. Cleaning up the last of what is in your garden and preparing it for next spring. Its always familiar to come across someone with horse drawn wagon full of manure to drop off at someone's garden this time of year. Leaves being raked and burned. All before the first snow are to come.

Fall for us as a church is also about preparation. Preparation for the coming months and into the spring and summer. Preparation for the college 10 day trips that we host and preparation for the annual fall women's tea. This year, we hosted a small team from the bible college in Vajta, Hungary for their 10 day. They helped with workers in orphanage ministry and our after school program working with Roma Children. They also helped with setup, cleanup and childcare for the women's tea this year. It seems every year this tea seems to grow bigger and bigger. In fact this next year we are praying about what to do because we have outgrown our church facility for hosting it. So we will be prayerfully looking for a larger facility for next year.

Through this outreach, we have had women that were not only interested in the church but started attending. Its been really encouraging to watch the Lord use this yearly event to not only bless the women who attend regularly but also give them opportunity to reach out to those around them who do not know the Lord.

Ladies tea

Ladies tea

Ladies tea

Playing games

playing games

Natalie was in charge of the games

handing prizes

all smiles

Onita and Amalia

Purse Bingo

lots of food

Ionela looks happy

smallest attendee with her mom

Hannah with Cynthia

Natalie with friends

Tinsely with the kids from the afterschool progam

team from Vajta painting

team from Vajta hanging out with the kids from the afterschool program

Prayer Request:

Prayer for the upcoming holiday season outreaches, that God would lead us in the things he has for us.

Prayer for soft hearts at the afterschool program that the kids would accept Jesus as their personal savior and grow in him.

Prayer for the boys in the association as they adjust to their new parents and the Covaci family center as well.

Prayer for Lidia as she is dealing with legal issues surrounding her apartment. That God would give her grace, patience, and strength.

Prayer also for us as we found out that Kaid and Sedona are going to need braces to correct their bite. While this is cheaper here then in the states. It still costs quite a bit. Prayer for God to supply for our need as we continue to meet with the orthodontist.

Prayer for Marta, she is a 6 year old sister to one of our children's collegues in school and is battling Leukemia. Prayer strength, healing and grace for the family.

Prayer for Nicoleta who had surgery to correct her eyesight and remove some polyps from her sinuses. That her recovery would go quickly.

Contact information:

If you are interested in keeping updates on our ministry.

facebook: BrianFouts
Twitter: @FoutsBrian or @FoutsCynthia
Instagram: CYNTHIAFOUTS or bcfouts

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