Tuesday, September 09, 2014

Summer Update 2014

Our summer has been a great time of catching up with family that we have not seen for 4 years. Its amazing to see how much our families have grown both in number in some cases and as always in size. The kids have been really enjoying spending time with grandparents whether its been Kokonee fishing with Grandpa Fouts, herding wayward goats, playing with cousins, visiting the Portland Zoo, camping, even smore's which for our youngest was a first. It has been such a blessing to watch the kids just play with their cousins and reconnect with grandparents.
Hanging out with cousins

camping at the Grandpa and Grandma Robbins

Grandpa putting them to work

Finding lost Dinosaur eggs

1st time with S'mores

playing with Robbins cousins

Idaho mountains
We also have been having a blessed time of sharing with different churches in Oregon about the ministry in Romania. The blessings, challenges, the funny things. We always count a privilege to share what God is doing through his work in Romania and how we get to apart of it.

Visiting Idaho is always a highlight for us. We never get tired of the Idaho mountains. the Kids have been having a great time playing with friends. We have had a wonderful time sharing with the different churches in this area. Its been a while since we have been back in this area and its such a blessing to see what God is doing on in the Treasure Valley. Not to mention how much Boise area has grown in size. There many times while driving what we thought was a familiar road we would get turned around because of all changes to roads, shopping centers, even new overpasses.
While we were in Idaho, Cynthia and I had a opportunity to getaway for a weekend to celebrate our anniversary, which was truly a blessing for us.

Its amazing how quickly time passes when you are back visiting with family and friends. We truly covet the time. But it passes so quickly.
Swimming at friends pool

Sharing at CCEmmett
Moving forward we are excited about what God has in store for us this year. We had a wonderful time of refreshment and renewing. We want to thank everyone for their time, your faithfulness in prayer and partnering with us. You are really appreciated beyond measure. We also want to say thank especially to those who let us invade their homes for a while.

If you interested in keeping up on our day to day activities, pictures, family life:

Our blog:

Brian Fouts
Calvary Chapel Bistrita page



Prayer Requests:

Pray for God to give us continued clear vision for reaching the community that we live in.

Prayer for the upcoming study in Ecclesiastes. 

Prayer for the Kids as they are preparing for School. 

Prayer also for a couple in our church , she had twins via Caesarean. Pray for her recovery and the health of the babies.

Prayer also for adjusting back into Romania.


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