Saturday, August 10, 2013


I was reminded of this verse Romans 12:21, Do not be overcome by evil, but overcome evil with good. 

Over the last couple of days, I have found myself with lots of questions. Why has this happened, Why did God allow this. And honestly have found no answers. Because there are no answers. There is no human explanation, logic, or reason that is going to bring comfort. I find myself being angry in one moment and mourning the loss of one of my best friends in Romania and his precious son. I have known Adi for over 8 years, had the privilege and honor to serve with him for that amount of time. In many ways, God used Adi to shape me into the pastor that I am today. I loved him and I weep for him and his family. In times like this its very easy to see nothing but evil, its threatens to overwhelm us. And yet throughout scripture it gives us the promises of God's love, his power, his grace, his understanding, and his comfort and most importantly his presence. 

When something so evil like this happens it tries to overshadow everything about them. So we need to choose to focus on their life rather then their death.  We don't allow  the evil and darkness that surrounds their death to cloud what a beautiful life they both lived.

A friend of mine from the states sent me the following reminder. "Don’t exchange what you know, for what you don’t know.”

We know God loves Adi & Timotei. We know Jesus saved them. We know they are in heaven right now.

We know that God is good all of the time.

We know that God is with us. 

What we don’t know is why this happened. And even if we do find out the reasons, we may still not understand it.

So we grieve their death, we pray for the family, but we carry on the same message that Adi and Timotei so passionately believed with all their heart. That God came, he died for our sins, to bring those who are Spiritually dead, separated from God, without hope alive to him and through the sacrificial death of jesus he paid the penalty of our sin to make those who  receive it apart of his family forever.

Adi and Timotei lives were an example for all of us all of God's grace. There was not a time that I was not riding with him in his van that he was not listening to the bible audibly, a bible study, or worship music. His van was his tabernacle. Adi was one of the most honest men that I have ever met. Their was no duality to him at all. His life was permeated with the word of God. He deeply cared about people and tried to help anyone who came to him.

Yes we mourn, but according to scripture we don't grieve like as others do who have no hope. Scripture tells us that to be absent from the body is to be present with the Lord and Adi and Timotei both loved the Lord passionately and now they are with him, there are tears here, but in midst of our tears for our loss, there is also hope because they are not gone forever, all of us who have a personal relationship with Jesus will be reunited with them, so this is not the end its simply an interruption and we will see them again and in that moment there will never be a separation again.  

This was the message that I gave at their funeral. I was amazed to see the crowds of people, standing room only in the chapel. All of these people who lives had been impacted by this man and his son. I hold to the promise we find in Romans 8:28,  28 And we know that for those who love God all things work together for good, for those who are called according to his purpose. 

I know that God would not allow this unless he was going to accomplish something amazing. Please be praying for the family, the church in Bistrita, and NewBeginnings. Pray also that those who did this would be brought to justice quickly.

 for those of  you interested in helping Lydia financially please send it to Calvary Chapel Boise marked for Lydia Blaga.
Adi on the left
Timotei kissing Amanda at her wedding

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