Tuesday, July 02, 2019

Summer Update 2019 part 1

Group Photo
I am constantly reminded all of how quickly time passes. A couple of weeks ago my google photos popped up with a reminder of what I was doing this time last year and it had a large number of photos detailing our trip back to states to visit family, friends, and churches. It was during that trip that the seeds of an idea were discussed with a good pastor friend of mine about him coming and being a speaker at our Romania national conference. Those discussions led to a plan and that plan led to a plane trip by Mike Hughes from Calvary Chapel Emmett to come and bless our little church and a number of other Calvary Chapel Churches over the last week of June with some great teaching and insightful answers to
questions as we worked our way through the book of Ephesians, focusing on our identity in Christ. He shared the bulk of the teaching for the conference with Daryl Zachman of Calvary Chapel Treasure Valley, With Brian opening the conference and a good friend Nicu Hagiu bringing the conference to a close. Throughout the whole week, Brian lost count of the number of people who were totally blessed by the amazing teaching and really encouraged in their walk with the Lord.

This year we desired to help people really think through and apply the word to their lives by having them divide into groups to discuss and ask questions and work it through as a community of believers followed by an opportunity to ask questions of the speakers. Which was a highlight for many people as they found this to be extremely helpful in applying the truths of the word of God.

There is nothing quite like being led in worship in different languages, it's like getting a small taste of what heaven is going to be like with the multitudes worshipping the lamb all at the same time. Amazing is not the word to describe it even being used to all of these years it still gives you chills. 

Brian Sharing


Group discussian


Mike Sharing

Ladies Q/A

Prayer and Worship
Daryl Sharing

Prayer and Worship

Prayer and Worship
But as wrote earlier time does fly and it was during the conference that I received a message that one of the precious ladies in our church, Amalia, had just lost her mom to cancer. So Sunday after church Cynthia and I quickly changed to attend the funeral. We have attended a lot of funerals over the years of serving here in Romania. But this was my first Catholic service and as I was listening to the priest go through and share about the life of this lady, who Amalia shared the gospel with all of the time and yet we are not share if she ever responded to the message of salvation. She was a good person, very religious, according to the priest. But was she saved? There was a question mark there? One can hope that she responded to God's grace before waking up into eternity.

As we were walking to the gravesite I started looking around at the different gravestones. Some were simple, some very fancy, some gave simple information about the person whose body was laid there, others gave detailed information, I saw a pharmacist, a child advocate, even a priest. That is what they did when they were alive, that was their job and by the inscription on their gravestones, it would seem to be a very important part of their lives. But heaven does not need pharmacists or child advocates. I am not going to presume to know if they were saved or not, I hope that they were. But there was a beginning date and ending date on their gravestones with very little time in between compared to eternity. My prayer is that we would use the time we have wisely and for God's glory.

Prayer requests:

Please keep Amalia and her family in prayer as she is the only born again believer in her family

Prayer as a team is coming together for our English camp this summer and all of the organizing that goes with that. Asking for a united team and being able to coordinate everything. Prayer for the team as they prepare to come and be a blessing. Asking the Lord to open doors and soften hearts to the gospel message through relationships and life stories and the late nights. Strength, patience, Power of the Spirit for everyone involved. 

Pray for us as well as every month this summer we have an outreach or event going on of some kind. Combine with this with hosting teams or just friends stopping by for a few days make for a busy season for us. Asking for an extra measure of grace for it all.

Pray also for the concert outreach in August. That the Lord would go before us and provide everything that we need.

Asking for a fresh move the Spirit in our own lives and the church. 

If you wish to contact us 

Blog: romaniafouts.blogspot.ro
YouTube channel: Calvary Chapel Bistrita
facebook: Personal, Brian-Cynthia Fouts
                 Page: Calvary Chapel Bistrita
Twitter: @FoutsBrian, @FoutsCynthia
Instagram: bcfouts, cynthiafouts, calvarychapelbistrita

If you are interested in partnering with us financially one time or reoccurring you can use the following link. 


or you can send a check to Calvary Global Missions 123 S. Auto Drive, Boise. ID, 83709 and make a note for Brian and Cynthia Fouts

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