Friday, November 10, 2017

Fall Update 2017

colors of fall
It's coming upon a year since I was hit by a car while going for a morning run and thinking back over the last year. It amazing to witness God's faithfulness. I have been asked numerous times this fall how am I feeling. Do I feel like I have fully recovered from my accident? Am I nervous going into this time of year? The short answer to all of this is yes I feel fully recovered and no I am not nervous about this time of year. That being said my wife has informed me that I will not be allowed to go for a morning run the day after Thanksgiving.

All joking aside we have had a great fall beginning with the annual pastor huddle hosted by Calvary Chapel Brasov. We had almost every church represented. The goal of this meeting was to work on a leadership training program that could be adapted for any cultural context in Romania.

Romania has a diverse social and economic makeup. You have those who live in cities who are well-educated professionals but in the same country you have those who illiterate, We are commissioned to not only share the gospel message with them but also to make disciples and help them grow in their unique giftings that God has given them. The challenge, of course, is prayerfully creating a program that works for both.

A good friend of mine who serves as a pastor at Costa Mesa and is pursuing a degree in this exact field came over to help with mediating and giving some direction on what the content would look like along with working through some ideas on how to develop a training program. His input was invaluable.

Calvary Chapel Romania pastors
The fall also brings with it the 10-day team outreaches from CCBCE. We have had the privilege of hosting teams throughout the years and we always welcome the students coming alongside to serve with us in different capacities whether they serve in the orphanage, the afterschool program, or sharing at conversational English class. One of the last ways they help us is with our annual fall women's tea.  We had 50 women come this year. One of the ladies, who had attended the last few years, called and said that she was going to bring 10 of her friends to the tea because she had been so blessed over the years. After the message, one of the ladies shared with Cynthia that the message from Lindsey on "Seasons of Change" was a real encouragement to her. Another lady shared that she had been attending these tea's since the very beginning and had loved every one of them and looks forward to this time of year every year.

Praying over Camden before he leaves for university in the States
Lindsey from Hungary sharing with the ladies
lots of love 

some of the ladies

lots of homemade food

a lot of the ladies who came this year was their first time


smiles all around
everyone had a great time

Intense game of clue with the team from CCBCE

Praise report:

The women’s Tea went over well. We had 50 women show, a majority of which were non-Christians. One of the ladies called and told us that she was bringing 10 friends with her this year because she enjoyed the time so much. The teaching was perfect for all of the ladies. Cynthia told me one of the ladies came up to her and shared that the message really spoke to her in this season of her life because she was having struggles in her marriage and she was encouraged by what was shared by Lindsey this year. Another lady told Cynthia that she came to our very first tea and has never missed one since because they are special to her. 

The team we hosted from CCBCE were great. They loved on babies in the morning at the orphanage, which finally gave us approval, praise the Lord, and the kids at the after-school program had a blast with them as well as they spent time pouring into them in the afternoon. They were also helpful in a lot of practical things around the property while they were here as well.

Prayer Requests:

Please keep Camden in prayer, he is the son that just moved back to start college, he is going through some depression and anxiety due to reverse culture shock and could use prayer as he adjusts back to the states and preparing for college.

Please pray the Lord would provide the finances for us to travel back to visit this summer and give us favor as we set up our summer schedule with family and churches.

Please also keep our Christmas Eve service in prayer as we begin preparing with the kids, the music, and the message. We have a lot of new visitors this time of year. Prayers for a great awakening within the hearts of the people in the city of Bistrita during this holiday season. 

Also, pray for the planning of a Concert outreach next September after we return. 

Feel free to stay connected through social media as well. We love hearing from you. 

Also on an administrative note. The way to support financially online has changed please update or use the following link.

YouTube channel: Calvary Chapel Bistrita
facebook: Personal, Brian-Cynthia Fouts
                 Page: Calvary Chapel Bistrita
Twitter: @FoutsBrian, @FoutsCynthia
Instagram: bcfouts, cynthiafouts

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